Natalie Blackwood

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Stitch Along: My stitched rainbow Day 3

Start at day 0

Laced Running Stitch

Laced Running stitch is probably way better if you do shorter stitches and over a longer area. 

Oh well at least it's easy. The instructions I'm following state. 

'Running Stitch can be laced with a contrasting colour to form a decorative border. Use a round pointed needle for lacing and do not pick up any of the fabric'

So again try and keep the stitch length of your running stitch even and while I didn't use a contrasting thread you should. It would look great. 

Here are some instructions on how to do Laced running stitch

Laced Running Stitch

Sorry, I moved ahead to the next stitch before taking a picture. Whoops! so today enjoy the above the sampler images and look forward to a picture tomorrow of the rainbow.

Marking out laced running stitch

#mystitchedrainbow Day 2#mystitchedrainbow Day 4